1. How long were you a Jehovah's Witness?
20 damn years man, 20 damn years
2. Were you raised in it or become a JW later on in life?
I was raised in it bro. By my mother alone, my dad was wise; he wanted nothing to do with it. One day he just said out of the blue : ' If I win the lottery, Im going to have a study ! ' Me and my mum looked at him so happy and amazed. He then said ' A study room in my new house' .
3. Were you contacted via the door-to-door ministry?
My mum was drawn into it through scare tactics ; those pictures of people falling of cliffs and burning to death seemed to strike a cord with some young people.
4. Initially, what intrigued or drew you to the Jehovah's Witnesses then?
As above . Yet for me I always knew it was the truth, until I found out otherwise
5. When were you baptized? Or if you weren't, mention that if you wish.
Never baptized. Phew !
6. When did you start having doubts?
A couple of years back, when I read about that business with the UN. More study introduced more doubts.
7. What else perhaps contributed to your leaving?
The fact that I never seemed to have any friends in the congregation. I was quiet anyway; so It was hard for me to associate with others. Also I could never imagine myself being a visiting elder giving a talk, with his wife and kids in the audiance. Or making any kind of advancement for that matter. Besides, there were no Asian girls in my congreagation , and I just LUV asian girls hehe The hypocritical nature of those that went also put me off .
8. When were you disfellowshipped/disassociated?
Well technically, Im not. But I think they have got the message by now that Im not going; not that it matters, a lost sheep gone astray means nothing if the lost sheep had no influence in the congregation ; daddy not an elder, no other family besides his mother attending meetings. You are either in the sh!t or you arent.
9. Have you ever been reinstated?
If above ever happens, whoever reading this has my personal blessing to SHOT ME if ever I return. Thats a promise.
10. Did you attempt to contact or have spoken with other active-JWs when you were DF/DA'd?
I had to contact an elder to see me once I had been gone for 3 months. Nobody came to see me, yet I still welcome religious discussions with anybody, even if they are often in vain.
11. Have you ever protested/picketted a JW assembly/convention?
Nope, but If anyone has any plans to do so in the UK then call me up, i'll be right there.
12. Do you miss being a Jehovah's Witness?
Not at all. Not one bit, I feel such freedom now im not ruled by men, sucking up to members in the congreagtion for silly reasons and not having to listen to totally hypocrites speaking on the platform that are so far up their own backsides its unreal.
13. Do you still have family that are active JWs?
My grandmother is, yet I have nothing to do with her because its the way our family is !!!
14. Do you believe in god/God etc.?
I do. I know he is there for me; I know he shown me the way out of that hellhole. I prayed and asked him to show me the truth, and he did. Now I just need to stay on the straight and narrow, which is hard to do. In a way, Im still searching for God
15. Are you politically active or have voted?
I love politics yet would not vote as they are all as bad as one other. The UK is a joke anyway; we have Blair on one side who is finished after this war, Iain Duncan Smith leading (?!?!) the opposite side and some drunken Scottish bum who cant decide black from white on the Liberal side. In England, knowing black from white is very important ! It's funny, you can perfectly mimic politicians and their personalities, yet when you come to Duncan Smith you have to give HIM a personality. What was the question again ?!?!
16. Would you say you have become more tolerant or open-minded generally speaking since you left?
Definatly. Through the years of being a JW, ask anybody that knew me I wasn't the most tolerent person on Earth, even being very racist in my outlook which I hang my head in shame for today. I accept people for who they are now; I actually show kindness to everybody not just a certain few. Its easy to be racist, especially in Leicester England; if you have ever been here you would know why. Yet I seem to have been cured; I thank God for that.
17. Do you think that the WTBTS will crumble?
I really hope so, these are all very good questions Rayzorblade. I really want to do all I can to help it crumble; I want to say adios to that false prophet. I'd say in 10 years time the Watchtower will still be going, religion is big business.
18. If you could say anything to the WTBTS and be listened to, what would you like to say?
Id thank them for making me into the person I am today. I would also beg them to apologise to their followers and ask them to admit their faults so some uptight Watchtower followers ( mentioning no names ) can see that the Watchtower is made of glass, instead of blindly believing in the sh!t that they come out with.
19. What has helped you to cope, post-JW?
The Lord helped me through it all, I strongly believe that. This forum and other sites really helped; Ray Franz placed the final nails in the Watchtower coffin.
20. Anything else you'd like to say/add?
Yeah. Sue me.